Read stories from our donors and beneficiaries. See the impact that a small act of kindness can have on the lives of girls and women in low-income communities.

Stories From Our Donors

Hello World, I would like to share this piece with you on what inspired me to become a period buddy with Inyango. Growing up I remember I didn’t even have the opportunity to use a pad every month I had my period(menses). Most often I had to use “Napkins” which some of our parents even considered the best form of Pad back then and even until my university days I still had those days when I would discover my period was around and I had no pad at home and no money at that particular point to buy one. This is to say some things may look small but until we face in the situation then we realize how traumatizing it can be . Take for example how some classmates used to laugh at a female classmate who didn’t notice her Uniform was stained from her monthly flow maybe because she came to school without wearing a Pad. I just wish to encourage someone out there reading this to support this great initiative by sacrificing to put a smile on a girl child .

Message from Marie Noel, period buddy In the U.S.A

Hi, this is Anita my reason for jumping into this period buddy project was that I was able to go through my first menstrual period well as compared to my elder sister Because I was well-educated before time. This gave me the confidence to embrace my new self.
My elder sister wasn’t well educated on the menstrual circle until she got her first and still, she wasn’t given the right information and education about it. So I can imagine little girls who reach this stage and if they’re not so well educated and empowered wouldn’t feel confident about it. Joining this project is one of the best projects I have decided to be a partner. I also have daughters. Preparing others’ daughters is also preparing my girls. Thank you for this opportunity to be part of a change in our community. God bless.

Message from Anita, period buddy in Qatar

I’m a passionate advocate for menstrual health, inspired by the experiences of those who lacked proper information about managing their periods. My Period Buddy is an initiative dedicated to providing both menstrual products and education to girls. I dream of expanding this initiative with more “period buddies” who can distribute pads and knowledge, much like mosquito nets are shared. Let’s support those who can’t afford menstrual products or education. While we hope for free access to pads, let’s take action today to ensure a healthy and dignified period for every girl and woman. Join our movement and make a difference!
 While we pray for the day that pads can be available free of charge for girls and women, let’s do the little we can today.
Join the movement, and be the reason a young girl or woman has a healthy and dignified period next month.

Period Buddy Delisa, Cameroon

Stories From Our Girls

I started seeing my period yesterday, I was so happy that I am now a big girl. My mom told me I would have to be very careful how I play with boys, she showed me how to wrap a piece of cloth and told me to put it in my pants, it felt so uncomfortable. I was so excited to start seeing my period because almost all my friends were seeing theirs already but I had no idea it would come with so much discomfort. Thank you my period buddy for my pads now I don’t have to rewash the pieces of cloth.

Message from 13 years old Bih Princess

I started seeing my period when I was 11 years old everyone thought I was too young and even now when I tell people I menstruate they look at me in a funny way I thought I was too young too but with the teachings today I feel better knowing it is normal. For a few months I have pads, some months I don’t so I use pieces of cloth or toilet tissue and because I am slim I feel very uncomfortable and sometimes have bruises on my inner thighs. Thank you so much my period buddy for my pad, it will make my life better and help me to feel comfortable to go to school even when I am on my period.

Message from 12 years old Ndip Jacky

They used to stay in Bamenda with my sister but because of the crises they had to come to live with me, I have four of them who are menstruating in my house from different relatives, with my small business and my own kids most months I don’t even have money to buy them pads and I am afraid they might start looking to boys and men to provide it for them. Thank you so much, my period buddy, for taking this burden off my shoulders and giving my girls a chance to concentrate in school and focus on their bright future.

Message from Aunt of 16years old Blessing

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